Welcome to the International College of Clinical Hypnosis Practitioners (ICCHP) Online Clinical Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Training Courses
The ICCHP offers students 3 options to study therapeutic hypnosis. You can choose the hypnotherapy training course which best suits your interest & needs. We offer a free online introduction to hypnotherapy course, an online distance learning hypnotherapy practitioner course, and a classroom based hypnotherapy practitioner course.
3 Classroom & Online Course Study Options Available
Choose the Hypnotherapy Training Course Which Best Suits Your Interest & Needs
Training Option 1
Online Independent Distance Learning (no live teaching sessions)
Join Our Free Online Introductory Hypnotherapy Course Now
This Online Introductory Course is your first step to learning hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
Online Introductory Course Fee: Free
12 Module Online Course Fee: £1495 ($1895/€1695)
Training Option 2
Online Distance Learning Hypnotherapy Practitioner Course - Live Streamed
The 12 module distance learning hypnotherapy practitioner courses are designed for those students wanting to learn the practical aspects of therapeutic hypnosis in a live classroom setting.
12 Module Live Remote WebCast Course Fee £2495 ($2995/€2895
Training Option 3
Classroom Based Hypnotherapy Practitioner Course
The ICCHP offers those students wanting hands on learning of the practical aspects of therapeutic hypnosis the opportunity to practice in a supervised classroom setting.
12 Module Classroom Course Fee: £3295 (S$6500)
Additional Free Courses and Practitioner Qualifications!
For all of 2023, students who purchase the Options 1, 2, or 3 Diploma courses will receive the following extra courses, master classes and associated qualifications included for no extra charge. This offer applies when full Diploma course fees are paid (or paid up in case of instalments). Here is what you will receive:
- Integrative Stress Management Practitioner Course (ISRCert) (£495 value)
- Integrative Performance Coaching Practitioner Course (IPECert) (£495 value)
- Smoking Cessation Master Class (£125 value)
- Treating Weight Related Disorders Master Class (£125 value)
- Integrating Mindfulness and Hypnotherapy Master Class (£125 value)
- Delivering eTherapy Master Class (£125 value)
- Practice Management Master Class (£125 value)
- Detox Your Mind Master Class (£125 value)
- View the best course guide below for more information and to see what is included with each course.
- Visit our main website for further information: www.icchp.com
- View our updated Privacy Policy here: Privacy Policy
Compare the ICCHP Hypnotherapy Training to over 50 other hypnotherapy courses.
Available courses

Certificate Level Module 200
This is the first module of the Practitioner Certificate (PCHyp & CHyp) course.
It can be purchased individually or as part of the 6 module Practitioner Certificate course.

Certificate Level Module 201
This is the second module of the Practitioner Certificate course.
It can be purchased individually or as part of the 6 module Practitioner Certificate course.

Certificate Level Module 202
This is the third module of the Practitioner Certificate course.
It can be purchased individually or as part of the 6 module Practitioner Certificate course.
Certificate Level Module 203
This is the fourth module of the Practitioner Certificate course. It can be purchased individually or as part of the 6 module Practitioner Certificate course.
Certificate Level Module 204
This is the fifth module of the Practitioner Certificate course. It can be purchased individually or as part of the 6 module Practitioner Certificate course.
Certificate Level Module 205
This is the sixth module of the Practitioner Certificate course. It can be purchased individually or as part of the 6 module Practitioner Certificate course.
Diploma Level Module 301
This is the first module of the Advanced Practitioner Diploma course. It can be purchased individually or as part of the 6 module Practitioner Diploma course.
Diploma Level Module 302
This is the second module of the Advanced Practitioner Diploma course. It can be purchased individually or as part of the 6 module Practitioner Diploma course.

Diploma Level Module 303
This is the third module of the Advanced Practitioner Diploma course.
It can be purchased individually or as part of the 6 module Practitioner Diploma course.
Diploma Level Module 304
This is the fourth module of the Advanced Practitioner Diploma course. It can be purchased individually or as part of the 6 module Practitioner Diploma course.
Diploma Level Module 305
This is the fifth module of the Advanced Practitioner Diploma course. It can be purchased individually or as part of the 6 module Practitioner Diploma course.
Diploma Level Module 306
This is the sixth module of the Advanced Practitioner Diploma course. It can be purchased individually or as part of the 6 module Practitioner Diploma course.
Online Master Class
This distance learning master class is designed to provide practising therapists with the knowledge and understanding to effectively provide therapeutic interaction and consultations with their clients through modern digital delivery modes.

Online Master Class
This distance learning Integrating Mindfulness with Hypnotherapy master class introduces the practice of mindfulness and the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme and how mindfulness can be integrated with hypnotherapy.
Online Master Class
This distance learning master class covers setting up and managing a clinical hypnotherapy practice.
Online Master Class
This distance learning master class is on treating anxiety related conditions.
Online Master Class
This distance learning master class on smoking cessation includes a live patient treatment session.

Online Master Class
This distance learning master class covers treating all weight related disorders.

The Ultimate Mind Management Course
One of the most empowering skills to learn and develop is how to take control of one's own mind, freeing it from random negative thoughts leading to unhelpful and unwanted feelings and behaviours. This on-line detox your mind course is designed to teach you how to achieve this control.
Specialist Master Class
This section includes student and practitioner discussion forums for those students who attended the two day master class.
These forums are for current graduate practitioners to share clinical knowledge, experience and research to inform future best practice and principles.

The Integrated Stress Reduction (ISR) practitioner course is one of the most unique, certified stress reduction courses available in the world. This online course makes up a complete programme of learning, leading to a Practitioner Certificate in Integrative Stress Reduction (ISRCert). Successful completion of the course provides you with enough training which will allow you to begin practising as an Integrative Stress Reduction Practitioner. You will be eligible to use the ISRCert letters after your name and embark on an independent career in stress management. Graduates are also eligible to apply their learning from this course and continue with further study of mind body health practice.